This past weekend was Easter. I had forgotten how much I love this time of year. Easter is a beautiful reminder of the life I have in Christ. I have been reminded of the immense sacrifice that was paid upon that cross. There are too many times I forget about the King of Kings who took on the sins of the world. Who was beaten, flogged and hung on that wooden cross. left to die. Left to be mocked.
I can't imagine what it was like on that Saturday following Good Friday. Loneliness. Despair. Shame. Jesus was gone, no one understood that He would rise the next morning to bring life to the world. Three days after Jesus was crucified, HE ROSE. Those two words give me goosebumps and I can't help but smile. The law was no more. He has risen. He is our living hope. He is ALIVE. He is as alive today, as he was on that very day he rose. I can't help but be overcome with His presence at this time of year. I have new life in Christ. Only an unimaginably AMAZING God would send His one and only son to bring us new life. I feel so renewed!
After church on sunday, we went to the 'prayer house'. An old, gorgeous house that is deticated to prayer. Youth can go anytime to pray, reflect on God and write their prayers and thoughts on the walls. It was unbelievable - it was so comforting to sit in that house and reflect on God. I felt awakened, and couldn't get the verse Ephesians 5:14 out of my head. “..This is why it is said: 'Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.’ “ I was filled and renewed. I felt alive - filled with the indescribable joy of the Lord.
Happy Easter, He is RISEN.
Love, Rachel