Sunday, July 31, 2011

{ my faves }

these aren't really in any particular order - i would be here forever stressing over which to pick as my number 1 haha.

+Braveheart (mmm..Mel Gibson in a kilt ;) who doesn't love the site of that?!)
+Book of Eli
+The Breakfast Club (classic 80's movie..if you haven't watched it now!)
+Pride and Prejudice (the version wit Keira Knightley)
+A Walk to Remember - boys take notes!

+Indy/Alternative/Folky (although i do enjoy some pop songs, the majority i find stupid haha. can you not find anything else to talk sing about but clubs, women and partying?!)
+anything 80's
+soundtracks (particularly the Braveheart and the Chronicles of Narnia: Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe soundtrack)

+I really wish i was a book fanatic - one of those people who, (like my friend Brandon), have a room stashed full of books! I really am trying to get more into reading. At the moment I don't really have a favorite book nor a favorite author.

+People/People StyleWatch
+Rachael Ray :)

+Social Studies

+hmm..this is a hard one.. i'd say most anything my dad makes :)

+defiantly a tie between summer and fall!

+Smarties :) [I find it uber weird that they don't have smarties in the U.S.. At Mcdonalds (in the states) my sister tried ordering s Smartie Mcflurry and they looked at her like she was retarted! hahah]

{childhood memory}
+making plays and movies with Megan and Maddi (our cousins). No matter how hard we tried to make them serious they always turned out cheezy!

{clothing store}
+Forever 21
+Value Village (if you have the right eye for clothes and see potential it will quickly turn into your favorite store!)
+urban outfitters (if i could afford it haha)

{starbucks drink}
+hot: well Pike Place if i want plain coffee and White Chocolate Peppermint Mocha if i want something special aka more expensive $$ haha
+cold: blended strawberry lemonade or ice coffee with milk and just a tad bit of sweetener :)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

{ a little bit about me }

Hello internet! I am practically talking to myself in this blog because, well lets be serious no one is ever gunna really read it haha. Unless i beg my family to at least try and care and read my blog. So anywho, I have decided to create this blog so that i could pretty much 'journal' about my life - the only difference here is that anyone can read it. I've always felt that at heart i am a writer. English has always been my strong point in school - however most of the time (and probably most of the time on my blog) my writing is very 'informal' and often times lacks any type of logical sense. But logical sense is for boring people :)

This coming fall I will be going into grade ten- which means high school..dun dun dunnnn! haha, nah im not scared. At the moment I am on summer holidays. So i figure now is a good time to start my journey as a blogger. (hehe i like the term seems so official!) This blog will hopefully be filled with a mish mash of stories, updates, thoughts, pieces of writing, favorites, and random crap that no one probably cares about but i like to think they do haha.

I hope this isnt one of those things where i say im gunna do it, but doesnt end up happening. I hope my blog becomes a place that i venture to daily. I hope to curl up with coffee (or occasionally tea), a warm blanket (unless its hot outside- which rarely happens considering i live in Canada), my soon-to-be laptop (which i hope i get for ma b-day) and enjoy blogging all that is on my mind.

with love, peace and happiness,